
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reflection on Holy Thursday

Today was Holy Thursday.  Saint Pius x catholic school had an Easter Liturgy.  Room 7 had made a drama about the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. I was playing as one of Jesus’s apostles.  Eneasi acted as Jesus.  While Jesus was walking up to the altar I was setting up the table for the passover.

At the table Jesus broke a bread and shared a cup of wine. After the passover Jesus got up and pretended to wash my feet. After Jesus was talking to me to go and pray I was trying not to laugh. I pretended to go on Mount Olives. I slept until the soldiers came and my part was finished.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ash Wednesday

On the 13 of February  was ash Wednesday, Ash Wednesday was the beginning of lent. St Pius X catholic school led the mass. We had the new priest, his name is father Ioane. Father Ioane was a big man . As father came in we sang a slow and smooth song.

After the collect prayer I went up with Genevieve,Latanoa and Leone. I was nervous because I was reading the second reading. As I started to read I looked up and saw a lot of faces which made me even more nervous. My hands were shaking when I was reading.

When father was saying his homily he asked a lot of question. His questions we about what is lent and what do we do during lent. After his homily  we received the ashes on our forehead. Then we had communion I went up and received the bread and wine. Finally blessed all the teachers and then we ended it off with a song.


The last three days I had a good experience. Room 7 went to the triathlon. Triathlon is a sport event it has three different sports, first its swim but we had a slide and next is biking and last is running.

I got to the slide and dived and slid.  The slide was very slippery and soapy.  
I slid five times and went on to biking. I clicked on my helmet and walked out of the transition area. The transition area is the area where you get your bike from.  While I was out of the transition area I sat on the bike and started peddling. I was peddling as fast as I could and the wind was blowing my face. While I was in peddling back to the transition area I got off and parked it and ran. Running was tiring but I managed to get to the finish line. I had a great experience because that was my first time trying the triathlon.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Welcome everyone to 2013  learning year.  I am looking forward to share my work with you this year.  I am going to work hard in my reading and writing to make sure I achieve at my expected level.

About me Poem

Sibling of Brendan,Hendrix,Maryanne and Lawrence
Lover of basketball and games
Who fears disasters
Who needs help when struggling
Who gives help when needed
Who would like to see Europe                         